6 ways for accounting firms to cope with the scope creep in 2024


Nobody likes a creep, particularly the kind that shows up in projects: scope creep. This phenomenon, well-known to accounting professionals, signifies the gradual expansion of a project's scope beyond its initial parameters, often without appropriate time, resources, or budget adjustments.

Although it presents a challenge, it also offers a chance to enhance project management and client engagement. In this article, we will explore the root causes of scope creep and provide strategies to mitigate its impact effectively.

Key takeaways

Scope creep in accounting projects often arises from over-committing, unclear initial agreements, and more.

Directly addressing scope creep and its challenges is essential for accounting practices' financial health and operational efficiency.

Outsourcing routine accounting tasks to Accxpert allows firms to focus more on client projects and manage scope creep.

What is scope creep?

Scope creep refers to the phenomenon where the requirements of a project expand beyond its originally agreed-upon boundaries without proper authorisation or adjustments to timelines, budget, or resources. Let’s understand the concept of scope creep better with an example below.

Let’s understand with an example:

Consider a situation where an accountant is engaged to prepare annual tax returns for a client. Initially, the agreement specifies preparing the tax returns based on the client's provided financial information. However, during the project, the client requested an additional, comprehensive review of their economic systems to identify potential tax savings for the next fiscal year, which was not part of the original scope.

If the accountant proceeds with this additional work without formal adjustments to the contract, such as renegotiating the fees or extending the project timeline, it experiences scope creep. This scenario requires more effort and resources than initially expected, without any increase in compensation. Consequently, it can stretch resources thin and adversely affect profitability and the ability to manage workload effectively.

What are the leading causes of scope creep for accounting firms?

The accounting firm often faces the challenge of scope creep due to various internal practices and client interaction strategies. Key factors contributing to this issue include:

  • Saying yes too often:

    Firms struggle to say no to clients, especially when trying to win over new ones, leading to taking on more work than planned.

  • Unclear project details:

    At the start, not clearly defining what the project includes can cause confusion and extra work later on.

  • Trying to please clients:

    Firms might do extra work to make clients happy without changing the project’s cost or details.

  • Avoiding tough talks:

    Sometimes, work begins without a formal agreement to avoid disagreements, but this can cause issues if expectations don't match.

  • Mixed messages within the team:

    When team members don't communicate well, everyone might have a different idea of what's needed, leading to extra tasks.

  • Missing instructions:

    Not having written details about the work can lead to misunderstandings, with more being done than was initially agreed.

  • Mistakes in proposals:

    Sending out proposals with errors or missing information can confuse clients about what's included, leading to unexpected extra work.The

The hidden cost of scope creep for Australian accounting firms

The hidden cost of scope creep for Australian accounting firms is significant and multifaceted. These firms are bustling environments where a limited number of accountants must meet the demands of numerous clients. Frequently, these clients expand their requests beyond the services initially agreed upon, leading to scope creep. This gradual increase in workload imposes financial burdens and strains staff well-being.

The consequences of failing to manage scope creep effectively can be severe, as detailed in the "2022 State of Client Engagement Report" by Ignition. The report highlights that Australian accounting firms lose an average of over $100,000 yearly due to unrecovered work that falls outside the originally agreed-upon scope. This financial loss underscores the importance of establishing rigorous scope management practices and continuous client communication.

6 ways to prevent scope creep for accounting firms

Scope creep is a widespread issue in accounting, with 97% of Australian accountants experiencing project expansions beyond initial agreements. This often leads to accountants absorbing the extra costs themselves. Consequently, they frequently work longer hours to manage the increased workload, which can affect their mental health and increase the risk of burnout.

So, what steps should accounting firms take to manage their client relationships effectively while minimising the stress associated with their workloads?

Here are some top tips for accounting firms to prevent scope creep:

Define the accounting project score early at the start:

Begin by documenting the complete scope of the accounting project in writing before any work starts. Make sure to capture all the client's needs and then consolidate this information into a follow-up email that outlines every aspect of the project you've discussed.

Compiling this documentation early on streamlines the process of creating your contract and provides a valuable point of reference should the project's scope broaden unexpectedly. For efficient documentation, consider leveraging voice-to-text tools like Otter.ai to transcribe verbal discussions into written notes quickly.

Your contract should detail the expected deliverables, necessary documents, and the responsibilities of both parties in meeting the project's payment and deadline requirements. Getting the contract signed and gathering all necessary documentation before commencing work is essential.

Maintain continuous communication with clients

Establishing consistent and regular communication with your clients is pivotal in effectively managing the project's scope and progress. By scheduling frequent check-ins or meetings, you create opportunities to review the project's current status, reiterate the agreed-upon terms, and ensure that all parties remain on the same page throughout the project's lifecycle.

This proactive approach facilitates the early identification of any deviations from the original scope, allowing for swift adjustments and negotiations to realign with the project's objectives. Additionally, these regular interactions with clients help create clear and collaborative relationships, build trust and reduce the chances of misunderstandings or scope creep.

Scope creep statistics

Make use of client management software:

There are several client management software options available that can help accounting firms stay organised and on top of their client relationships. These tools provide a centralised platform to track and manage all client interactions, including contract agreements, project progress, communication logs, and billing information.

By using these software programs, accounting firms can easily access critical information and monitor the status of each client engagement in real time. This transparency allows for efficient decision-making and better management of client expectations, reducing the risk of scope creep.

Furthermore, these tools often have automated features that streamline processes such as invoice creation, payment reminders, and project updates. This automation can save time and reduce administrative burdens, enabling accountants to focus on delivering quality services to their clients.

Establish transparent pricing for additional services:

Maintaining clear and upfront communication about the costs associated with services that fall outside the initially agreed-upon scope is essential. Creating a detailed price list for these additional services ensures no ambiguity regarding extra charges.

This level of transparency is instrumental in managing client expectations from the outset and provides a straightforward method for invoicing any supplementary work requested. By having these pricing structures in place, your firm can mitigate potential disputes over billing and foster a more trusting and understanding relationship with your clients.

Mitigate unnecessary enhancements by team members:

Implement strategies to prevent adding unrequested features or services that exceed the client's original requirements. While aiming to exceed client expectations is commendable, it's crucial to distinguish between providing superior service and inadvertently causing project scope to expand beyond agreed parameters.

This practice, known as "gold-plating," can lead to scope creep, where project deliverables, time, and costs exceed initial plans. Encourage team members to meet established objectives efficiently rather than add extra elements without client approval. This ensures project alignment with client expectations and prevents potential project overruns and budget issues.

Develop a pre-defined script

Managing the fine line between accommodating client demands and controlling project scope can sometimes become challenging. Introducing a structured method, such as a predefined script or a standard response guideline, can make navigating these situations smoother. This method not only aligns with the organisation's fundamental principles but also guarantees consistency in how team members communicate with clients.

Developing such a script also empowers your accounting staff to respond swiftly and appropriately to clients' additional requests, which may not have been part of the initial project agreement. Such preparation is invaluable, particularly when faced with the common request of "Can you also…?" This ensures that the team can assert project limits respectfully and professionally, in line with the expectations of the accounting field.

Moreover, this strategy is beneficial in setting clear expectations from the beginning, ensuring that any changes to the project's scope are managed considerately, taking into account both the firm's abilities and the client's requirements.


If you want to run a successful accounting practice, effectively managing scope creep is key. It's crucial to ensure you and your client are consistently aligned throughout the project, with regular check-ins at major milestones to maintain confidence in your ability to deliver.

At Accxpert, we specialise in outsourcing accounting services that allow your firm to delegate your clients' day-to-day accounting tasks to our expert team. This approach enables your team to dedicate more time and resources to managing projects, communicating with clients, and focusing on strategic initiatives that can prevent scope creep. By partnering with us, you gain the capacity to maintain tighter control over your projects, ensuring they remain within their original scope and budget.

For more information on our services and how we can help streamline your accounting operations, please feel free to reach out. Our team at Accxpert is committed to supporting your practice's growth and operational efficiency.

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